by Angela Guerreiro
Body detectives and story thieves ”For all the aberrations, injuries and struggles that arise when body and mind cannot come together, the Portuguese choreographer Angela Guerreiro has found impressive, at times even luminous images in her new piece ‚Fade‘. Danced scraps of memory, fragments of movement; idiosyncratic spasms, mutilation and spastic attacks; scurrilous, at times cruel, even terrifying – and nevertheless, a source of aesthetic pleasure, because Angela Guerreiro uses all this as raw choreographic material.
She and the other two excellent dancers, Marc Rees and Aloisio Avaz, have created their own, very individual language of movement. If one abstracts from the concrete situations, the underlying dance becomes visible. We experience power and beauty as inherent qualities beneath the surface of horror.
Full of suspense and tension, the choreography is intermingled with energy-laden sequences danced with wonderful effortlessness, short flirts with the audience and moments of ironic deflection. Angela Guerreiro knows what she wants and what delights the audience. Fade is one of those precious theatrical pieces which is enjoyable from start to finish. A memory which is unlikely to fade that quickly.“
(SFB Galerie des Theaters, Berlin 12.1.97)
Artistic Direction: Angela Guerreiro
Co-Choreography and dance: Marc Rees, Aloisio Avaz, Angela Guerreiro
Music: Hendrik Lorenzen
Light: Sérgio Pessanha
Set-design: Markus Böhler
Costumes: Tina Klietz
Producer: DepArtment/Katharina von Wilcke
A co-production by Kampnagel Hamburg with Angela Guerreiro Prod. in Cooperation with DepArtment. With the support of Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
‘…Unusual, exotically structured movement with surrealistically poetic humour.’ (Hamburger Abendblatt)
‘… Like a send-up of a battle scene out of a Marvel comic.’ (Die Tageszeitung)
‘…Sensual and scurrilous.’ (Die Welt)
‘…Full of ironical fractured eroticism.’ (Kieler Nachrichten)